Join the SDG Forum

5-6 NOVEMBER 2024

The SDG Forum brings the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) from, for and by everyone. As the first multi-stakeholder forum on the SDGs in the Benelux, the SDG Forum is able to reach out to wide range of sectors and deals with a variety of themes.

Organised by 21 partner organizations from every corner of the sustainable development sector, the SDG Forum strives to connect unusual suspects. It gives policy makers, business, NGO’s, academia a change to meet and exchange SDG ideas and SDG solutions.


Are you passionate about a particular aspect of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and eager to share your expertise?

We invite organizations to submit proposals for workshops related to the SDGs. Whether you have insights on poverty alleviation, climate action, gender equality, or any other SDG-related topic, we want to hear from you! This is your opportunity to lead a session and inspire others to take action.

More information can be found here.


  • Plenary sessions with inspiring SDG-related talks.
  • Almost 40 workshops on various themes such as SDGs and Education, SDGs and Finance, SDGs & Business, SDGs and local government, SDG and policy guidelines, etc.

The workshops are given in Dutch, French, English or a combination of languages. The workshop descriptions indicate the languages ​​that will be used. Double click on the workshop to see the full description.

SDG Forum Programme

The programme for 2024 will be announced soon.

Click here to consult the 2023 programme.

The Flagey building (Place Sainte Croix,1050 Brussels) is easily accessible by bicycle, public transport and/or car. Obviously, the SDG Forum prefers to travel by public transport and/or bicycle.

  • Train-goers should take the train to Brussels Central Station and then opt for the bus, tram or a Villo bicycle.
  • Tram 81 and bus lines 38, 59, 60 and 71 stop at the Flagey stop. More information on the STIB website.
  • There is a Villo station on Flagey square.
  • Bicycles can be parked on Place Sainte-Croix.
  • Motorists can park their car in the car park of the Flagey building. Parking Flagey (186 spaces) is located below Flageyplein. Beware, parking spaces are limited! More info
  • Check the traffic situation in Brussels right now.

    The event is fully accessible for people with reduced mobility.As organisers of the congress, we believe it is important that everyone can participate, including people with disabilities. Therefore, the following are provided:
  • Accessible sanitary facilities
  • Places for wheelchair users

    Would you like to use certain facilities? Do you, because of your disability, need other facilities (Flemish Sign Language interpreter, loop, …)? Then give us a call before 01/10/2023 via . Also, if you need on-site assistance or have additional questions, please let us know before that date.

Green Energy

Renewable energy reduces the ecological impact of power
consumption. The event venue is equipped with more than 700 solar panels and has switched to a new energy contract with a supplier that supplies only 100% green energy since 2023. Moreover, the caterer covers 50% of its energy needs by using solar energy.

Sustainable food

With the goal of reducing the ecological impact of the SDG Forum, we serve exclusively vegetarian food and use seasonal, local produce from the organic sector, certified by Certisys.

Waste Management

To minimise waste, we apply the principle of reduce-reuse-recycle. We avoid using single-use disposable packaging and try to minimise the use of printed signage. If printed materials still need to be produced, they are made from recyclable materials, and we make sure they are reusable for future editions.

No food waste

By having participants sign up for specific parts of the programme, we can accurately estimate quantities, and any surplus food will be collected by Alpaca Solutions and donated to those in need.


To avoid unnecessary transportation, we choose a location that already has existing infrastructure and strive for close cooperation with local suppliers and staff. We encourage the use of public transport, while cyclists have the option of placing their bikes conveniently at the event site.

Diversity & Inclusion

We aim to make the SDG Forum accessible to all, with support from Inter, the Flemish centre of expertise for accessibility & inclusion. Our event is fully accessible for people with reduced mobility, and participants can indicate their specific needs in advance.

Raising awareness

We raise awareness among our participants, employees and
suppliers by actively communicating our green philosophy. For the SDG Forum, we select suppliers based on their strong commitment to sustainability. Our catering partner is Artfood, the only caterer with a prestigious ‘Ecodynamic Enterprise’ rating of three stars. Moreover, Flagey started applying for this valuable label in spring 2023. For additional furniture rental, we work with Decoroom, an ISO 201221-certified sustainable rental company.

Measuring our impact

To measure the concrete impact of the SDG Forum, we conduct a carbon calculation. For this reason, we ask participants to provide information about their mode of transport and kilometres travelled. By mapping CO2 emissions, we aim to compensate them and further
reduce them annually.

Contact Green